Member News

Update on Mike Hart

Good morning,

I just received word from Mino that Mike Hart has been admitted back to Grace Hospital. He is in room 402 and is open to receiving visitors.

Please feel free to stop by if you’d like to visit him.

Thank you,

Member News

Phalia Deadline Reminder

Message from the Publications Director Randy Boyd:

Happy Autumn everyone!
The deadline for the next issue of Phalia is October 11, 2024.  As
your articles and/or photos are welcome and very much appreciated.

Elections are coming up.  So if you are running for a position, consider
submitting an article about yourself and your intentions for that
position.  Please copy the Webmaster if you would like a Campaign Page
on the website.

Best regards,

Randy Boyd
Publications Director

Member News

Reminder: Thanksgiving Food Drive This Weekend

Hello, Just a reminder that the thanksgiving food drive is this weekend. PWA is in need of non-perishables like canned soups, pasta and sauce, and canned protein items. As PWA has a chilled store room donations will be used for perishables like eggs. Thanks everyone for their help in advance.

Member News

Mike Hart In Hospital

Dear Spearhead Brothers,

Mike Hart, is currently in the hospital and undergoing rehabilitation at Toronto Grace (Bloor & Church, Floor 4, Room 402). While he is recovering, he has expressed a desire to see some of his brothers from Spearhead.

If possible, please share this information with other members. It would mean a great deal to him if some of you could visit. The visiting hours are daily from 10 AM to 8 PM.

Let’s come together and show Mike that he’s in our thoughts!


Member News

OGM Meeting Aug 10 – Agenda and minutes

Hi Everyone, Attached to this post is the agenda and the minutes of last meeting. Please bring these to the OGM meeting that is happening August 10th at 1 PM at the 519.

Member News

OGM Agenda and Minutes

NOTE: The password on the website to access these files is “obsidian”

Please note the time on the website said 12-5 on August 10th. It is actually 1-4 and this has been corrected.

Attached to this post is the agenda and minutes of the last meeting. Please being these to the annual meeting.

Member News

Pride Parade Reminder

Marching in the parade? Please follow the instructions here!

The “Too long didn’t read” summary is:

  • Gather at the meeting spot (Wellesley-Magill Park, 125 Homewood Ave) beginning at 3:30PM on Sunday June 30, 2024. We leave for the parade at 4:15 PM sharp.
  • Bring snacks, sunscreen and water; do not bring valuables, we cannot be responsible for any lost items.
    • There is a Rabba Fine Foods at the corner of Wellesley & Homewood where you can grab last-minute supplies
  • Wear gear that celebrates kink AND is comfy for several hours rain or shine. Nudity is 100% allowed, as are masks
  • Prepare for a long afternoon. 
  • YOU CANNOT BE LATE! If you are late you will not be able to march; please enjoy watching the parade instead.

Full details are below: you will be lovingly mocked if you ask a question that is already answered in this document 🙂

Member News

Ticot Fundraiser

Hello Everyone 

Next Sunday June 9th I am co-hosting bingo for Ticot and since it’s my birthday I am doing a spanking fundraiser, $5 for a paddle hoping to raise an extra $100 for Ticot’s charities. 

Robert Jeyes 


Member News

Spearhead Brunch Update – Upstairs

On The 18th of may we will be seated on the upper deck. Attached is the event poster as a reminder.


Member News

Leather At the Disco – This Friday

Webmasters note: I had attempted to send this yesterday and it did not work. Apologies for the double email.