Hello Spearhead Members, Here is a downloadable instruction sheet for the christmas party tomorrow if you get lost.
Author: Arthur Hall
Christmas Party Location Correction
Hello Everyone, Just a small correction for getting to the christmas party.
You Must use the entrance off Balmuto St (opposite 21 Balmuto Street) Go up the Staircase and wait outside Over the Rainbow sign. At that point Arthur will take you to venue. Do not use Charles St entrance.
As this lobby is for a private residence, we want to make sure that we do not get in the way of the tenants.
Hello Spearhead Members and Friends,
We’re excited to celebrate the holiday season together at our Christmas Potluck! Here are a few important details to ensure a smooth and festive event:
- Ticket Payment:
If you haven’t yet paid for your ticket, please email treasurer@spearheadtoronto.com to make arrangements as soon as possible. - Potluck Contributions:
If you’re bringing a dish to share, please email vicepresident@spearheadtoronto.com with the details of what you’ll be bringing. This will help us coordinate and avoid duplicates! - Entrance and Escort Instructions:
As the event is in the party room at 44 Charles Street, please meet at the Balhmut Street Manulife Centre entrance. Arthur will be there to escort you upstairs (there is security and we cannot crowd the lobby).- If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to call 647-717-6051, and Arthur will assist you.
We look forward to sharing delicious food, great company, and holiday cheer with all of you. See you there!
Warm holiday wishes,
Spearhead Toronto
Picture of entrance:
Help us bring joy this holiday season at our Toys 4 Tots event happening over two days, at multiple locations! We’re collecting toys and cash donations to support The Teresa Group, and we need volunteers to make it all happen.
Event Dates & Locations:
- Saturday & Sunday, November 23rd & 24th at Pegasus on Church, 389 Church St. – 1 pm to 5 pm
- Sunday, November 24th at:
- Flash Members Club, 467 Church St. – 3 pm to 6 pm (Bingo!)
- Woodys, 463 Church St. – 3 pm to 6 pm
Interested in volunteering? Contact Arthur Morgan, to sign up!
Your help with setup, donation collection, or assisting with activities would make a huge difference. Let’s come together to support kids in need!
Nov 9 AGM Meeting Agenda
Hello, Please download/print this and bring it to the next AGM.
Just a quick reminder that our next meeting is on Saturday, November 9th at 1:00 PM at Woody’s. Please remember: DO NOT go to The 519 for this meeting.
In Memoriam: Mike Hart
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mike Hart on Monday, November 4th. A Celebration of Life service will be held this Sunday, November 10th, at 3:00 pm at Metropolitan United Church, located at the corner of Church and Queen Streets.
We invite all who knew Mike to join in honouring his memory.
Ross S.
Recording Secretary
OGM Reminder and update on Mike Heart
Just a quick reminder that our next meeting is on Saturday, November 9th at 1:00 PM at Woody’s. Please remember: DO NOT go to The 519 for this meeting.
Attached to this email is the agenda and minutes from our last OGM
Also, I want to let everyone know that Mike Hart, a dedicated member of Spearhead for many years, is currently at Bridgepoint Hospital (Gerrard and Broadview Streets), on the 9th floor in Room 139. Sadly, Mike is in failing health, and our thoughts are with him during this time.
Update on Mike Hart
Good morning,
I just received word from Mino that Mike Hart has been admitted back to Grace Hospital. He is in room 402 and is open to receiving visitors.
Please feel free to stop by if you’d like to visit him.
Thank you,
Message from the Publications Director Randy Boyd:
Thank you to everyone that submitted an item for this edition of Phalia.
Your articles and/or photos were welcome and very much appreciated.
Please read this Election Issue in its entirety before submitting your
ballots. It includes great campaigns with fantastic ideas.
Please look out for your Election Ballots on Friday October 18, 2024 at
noon. Voting will close on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 10AM and the
results will be shared at the AGM. Check your spam folder if you didn’t
get it. If you have any questions or still have not received your
opportunity to vote, please contact Nomination and Election Co-Chairs
Kris J. and Connor M. at nominations@spearheadtoronto.com.
Best regards,
Randy Boyd
Publications Director
Phalia Deadline Reminder
Message from the Publications Director Randy Boyd:
Happy Autumn everyone!
The deadline for the next issue of Phalia is October 11, 2024. As
your articles and/or photos are welcome and very much appreciated.
Elections are coming up. So if you are running for a position, consider
submitting an article about yourself and your intentions for that
position. Please copy the Webmaster if you would like a Campaign Page
on the website.
Best regards,
Randy Boyd
Publications Director